Pastor Owen and his wife Barbara

The Lord through Pastor Richard Owen founded Midway Bible Baptist Church in 1977. The Lord had called him to preach and in 1976 while driving through Waynesboro, the Lord so impressed him to start a church that through faith he told his wife Barbara that in just a few months, he would be pastoring a church.

Pastor Owen has been faithful to the ministry and has lived a holy life setting a great example for his membership to follow. He is a "gun barrel straight" preacher who strives for the truth and doesn't give in to modern-day, watered-down beliefs about Holiness, Lordship, Righteousness and Easy-Believism that is being preached across our land. He constantly challenges people to study and search the scriptures and trust the Lord and the Holy Spirit for guidance in the Word of God.

We thank the Lord for giving us such a great man of God.